Thank you for dropping by! You will find our ground-breaking work on empowerment through international business partnerships as the core of our consultancy work. The other pillar of our company is the retail of high-end lifestyle and organic We support a local not-for-profit organization which is dedicated to the conservation of turtles in the Milne Bay Province.
We are in the process of articulating research into local solutions through a pioneering research project to mitigate and eventually to eradicate the production and utilization of single-use plastics. We will be running a blog on our work as we discover new and smarter ways of doing things. Our gallery will be peppered with a high resolution photographic record of our journey into business. We are essentially a start-up and in our 3rd year of operation but the 1st year of full company operations where we intend to become are self-financing within the next 5 years.
We also plan to have an online annual registration system incorporated into our site, an online market space to showcase our retail products and a number of social media platforms to enable us to reach out to micro and small business owners in PNG and the Pacific Region. We will also be uploading the summary of our annual trip reports after an evaluation has been carried out. Within the next 12 months we hope to take full advantage of technology as well as make our site fully functional and user-friendly to all of you.
Who we are
Empowering micro & small business owners and entrepreneurs. We lead, coordinate and promote PNG MSMEs overseas at international trade, business and investment events. We see these international events as excellent platforms for establishing business partnerships through self-learning, B2B networking and coordinated business-matching. Our annual mindset preparation program includes information sharing, skills training, coaching and mentoring.
We are also a retailer of high-end souvenirs and gifts for local and international visitors. We plan to open our shop in the latter part of 2020. We are a 100% PNG-owned small company registered with the PNG Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) on 17th August, 2013, Registration No. 1-89648. The company started operations on 31st May, 2018. Owner and Managing Director is Marianna Ellingson. She is the Sole Director and Shareholder of the company.
PNG’s economy is powered by MSMEs within the next two decades through sustainable and inclusive growth strategies.
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